^ < Czech Republic
coke plants in Czech Republic

Industrial Photography Archive
coking plants

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

Třinecké Železárny : coke plant
Třinecké Železárny : coke plant
Třinecké Železárny : coke plant
Třinecké Železárny : coke plant
Třinecké Železárny : coke plant
Třinecké Železárny : coke plant
coking coal compactor and pushing machine
coking coal compactor and pushing machine
coking coal compactor and pushing machine
coking coal compactor and pushing machine
"Jan Sverma" coke plant
"Jan Sverma" coke plant
"Jan Sverma" coke plant
"Jan Sverma" coke plant
cooling towers
cooling towers
"Jan Sverma" coke plant: gas holder
"Jan Sverma" coke plant: gas holder

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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