^ < August Thyssen coke plant
The coke plant of the August Thyssen steelworks in Duisburg

Industrial Photography Archive
coking plants

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

The coke plant of the August Thyssen steelworks in Duisburg Bruckhausen produced coke for the adjacent blast furnaces for more than hundred years. Contruction started in 1896. The plant has been extended and became one of the first central coke plants in the 20ies. It has been modernized in the 50ies and 70ies, mainly by construction of new batteries. After the ultra-modern Schwelgern coke plant (see:  coke works  ) has been put into operation in March 2003, the August Thyssen coke plant has been shut down on April 16th 2003.

Update July 2005: since the demolition of the dry quenching systems of Hansa and Kaiserstuhl coke plants, this is the last and only coke plant in with a dry quenching system in Germany. Sadly, the August Thyssen coke plant is currently under demolition.

Thyssen steelworks Bruckhausen
Thyssen steelworks Bruckhausen
ram bench
ram bench
ram bench
ram bench
coal silo
coal silo
ram bench
ram bench
coal silo
coal silo
coking plant of the August Thyssen steelworks
coking plant of the August Thyssen steelworks
oven crown with coal silo
oven crown with coal silo
dry quenching
dry quenching
dry quenching car
dry quenching car
coke side
coke side
coke side
coke side
quenching tower
quenching tower
ATH cokeplant

ATH cokeplant  small ( ~ 200k )     big ( > 400k )

References: 'Koks, die Geschichte eines Wertstoffs', Michael Farrenkopf (Hrsg.), http://www.koks-gas-teer.de

Thanks to Thyssen Krupp Stahl for giving me permssion to take photographs

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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