^ < Siempelkamp
Siempelkamp Foundry in Krefeld

Industrial Photography Archive

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

The Siempelkamp Foundry is one of the leading foundries for ductile iron casting with facilities to cast components with up to 300 tons. Products are nuclear 'Castor' shielding containers, engine blocks, turbine casings and wind power generation components, to mention just a few examples.

scrap storage area
scrap storage area
pig iron
pig iron
slag removal
slag removal
slag removal
slag removal
casting a Castor container
casting a Castor container
casting a Castor container
casting a Castor container
casting a Castor container
casting a Castor container
turbine casing
turbine casing
turbine casing
turbine casing

Many thanks for the kind and cooperative help of the Siempelkamp management and staff and to Uwe Niggemeier as well.

For more information about Siempelkamp:http://www.siempelkamp.de

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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