^ < RBW Knapsack
narrow gauge railway-system of the RBW at Knapsack

Industrial Photography Archive

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

The following photographs of the opencast mine "Vereinigte Ville" of the Rheinische Braunkohlenwerke (RBW) and the "Goldenberg Werk" power station are of poor technical quality. However, in my opinion, they are intersting from a historical point of view. The photographs date back to 1983/1985.

narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1036
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1041
narrow gauge locomotive RBW 1041

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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