^ < The Aachen Coalfield
Collieries of the Aachen coalfield

Industrial Photography Archive

contact photographer  contact me   hfinster@gmx.de

coal mine  Emil Mayrisch
coal mine Emil Mayrisch
coal mine  Emil Mayrisch
coal mine Emil Mayrisch
locomotive 'Emil Mayrisch Nr 1'
locomotive 'Emil Mayrisch Nr 1'
steam engine
steam engine
locomotive 'Emil Mayrisch 2'
locomotive 'Emil Mayrisch 2'
coal mine Sophia Jacoba Schacht 3
coal mine Sophia Jacoba Schacht 3
dressing plant Carolus Magnus colliery
dressing plant Carolus Magnus colliery
colliery 'Gouley' (Eschweiler Bergwerks Verein)
colliery 'Gouley' (Eschweiler Bergwerks Verein)
coal mine  Carl Alexander
coal mine Carl Alexander
coal mine  Carl Alexander
coal mine Carl Alexander
shaft 'Gemeinschaft'
shaft 'Gemeinschaft'
You will find more photographs of the aachen coalfield at:  Adolf   Anna 

©   Harald Finster, Gulpener Str. 26, 52074 Aachen, Germany   industrial photography
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